
Commissioner Randy Evans For Pasco County Mosquito Control

Commissioner, Pasco County Mosquito Control District


Why Vote for Commissioner Randy Evans?


Shortly after taking office, Commissioner Evans was tasked with hiring a new PCMCD Executive Director.  The Commissioners unanimously chose to hire Adriane Rogers, who has proven to be an exceptional choice and is the PSMCD’s first female Executive Director.  Executive Director Rogers previously oversaw all Mosquito Control programs in Florida - Pasco County is very fortunate to have her knowledge, experience, and leadership.

Low Taxes.

Randy fights to keep your taxes low.  During the meeting in September 2020, Randy voted with the other two Commissioners to role back the 2021 Budget Year millage rate to 0.2545, essentially keeping the budget the same as 2020.  Randy, along with Commissioners Matt Abbott and Michael Cox intend to reduce the millage rate to 0.2360, which will reduce your taxes yet again in 2024.

Public Safety.

Commissioner Evans made the motion to purchase two, new helicopters for a total of $8 million to replace the two, aging, 50+ year-old helicopters and two fixed-wing aircraft.  Locating replacement parts for the old helicopters became increasingly difficult and was an employee and public safety issue.  The new helicopters are equipped to disseminate wet and dry chemicals, which greatly enhance the District’s capabilities.  The new helicopters, piloted by Wayne and Brad, are currently protecting the citizens of Pasco County.

Planning for the Future.

Mosquitoes kill more people than any other animal in the world.  Pasco County is growing rapidly and the PCMCD is dedicated to ensuring our citizen’s public safety needs are met.  The PCMCD has outgrown the current 10-acre facility and the PCMCD needs to be more centrally located to efficiently address all areas in the county.  In 20-30 years it will be impossible to find a piece of property to accommodate the ever growing needs of the PCMCD.  Randy voted with Commissioner Matt Abbott and former Commissioner Gary Joiner to purchase over 40 acres in central Pasco County to build a new facility.  The property was purchased in 2021, and plans are near completion to break ground in 2025, on a new facility.  Talks with the PCMCD’s financial contractor show the project will continue without increasing the millage rate.

Working With Others.

Commissioner Evans has proven he can work with others to accomplish what needs to be done.  Randy supports women in leadership roles, embraces modern technology, and utilizes proven practices to achieve our goals.  Through his leadership, Randy has garnered the respect and support of the PCMCD employees, fellow Commissioners, and residents of Pasco County.  On November 5th, vote for the candidate with proven leadership and proven results.  Vote for Randy Evans.


Commissioner Randy Evans

Commissioner, Pasco County Mosquito Control District (PCMCD)

“Political advertisement paid for and approved by Randy Evans, Non-Partisan, for Pasco County Mosquito Control District, Seat 1.”